27. Okt. 2021, 18:15-20:00: Brenda Kombo | Fellow ZiF-Research Group, Nairobi Intimate Partnerships & Family Code Reform: The Imperial Debris of French Cameroon’s Administrators and Missionaries
24. Nov. 2021,18:15-20:00: Ania Plomien | London School of Economics and Political Science & Gregory Schwartz | University of Bristol Gender-Differentiated Productive Subjectivities: Reinscribing Gender in Place through Social Reproduction in Space
15. Dez. 2021, 18:15-20:00: Irene Schneider | Universität Göttingen Recht verhandeln – Geschlecht gestalten: Shari‘a und Gesetzgebung in Palästina, 2012-2018
19. Jan. 2022, 18:15-20:00: Ligia Fabris | FGV Rio de Janeiro Law School Law as a gender gatekeeper: The regulations of Trans Rights in Brazil and Germany.