This project’s central goal is to provide a general analytical perspective on contemporary feminist movements in Russia that is both useful for those within them and helpful for understanding them from without. The project aims to identify the fundamental processes that define contemporary feminist movements in Russia, and is concerned with reflecting the movements in their complexity, giving voice especially to intersectionally marginalized actors who are usually silenced. The primary data source are qualitative semi-structured interviews with feminists in several cities across Russia. The data analysis method is constructivist grounded theory. Some of the topics the projects seeks to explore are structural barriers to feminist participation and ways to overcome them, internal feminist debates on goals and methods, feminist movements‘ discursive politics, and their relationships to outside publics in Russia and internationally.
Neuste Beiträge
- [Veranstaltung] „Care and (Un)Fair?“ 17.10.2024, Präsentation und Podiumsdiskus
- [Veranstaltung] Forschungswerkstatt Feministische Friedensforschung (ab 11.10.2024)
- [Veranstaltung] Gender, Natur und Ökologie. (7.-8. Oktober 2024)
- [Veranstaltung] Lunch-Date mit Lisa Malich zum SfB „Sexdiversity“ (03.09.2024, 13-14 Uhr)
- [Stellenausschreibung] Professur für Gender und Diversity in Ing. und Informatik
Open Gender Journal
- Was ist (queer_feministische) Politik? Veronika von Wachter
- Doing Family unter erschwerten Bedingungen Anna Buschmeyer
- Institutionelle Reaktionen auf geschlechtsspezifische Gewalt in der Wissenschaft im nordischen Kontext als Formen der Fürsorge überdenken Angelica Simonsson
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