My PhD research project asks how the feminist claim for the recognition of reproductive work is operationalised and measured on a global level. I want to explore the normative rationalities of the formal recognition and measurement of unpaid care and domestic work. The policy implications for gender equality and social justice in global governance in the nexus of Feminist International Political Economy and Global Governmentality Studies are thereby in the centre of my research.
Neuste Beiträge
- [Stellenausschreibung] Stud. Beschäftigte*r am Margherita-von-Brentano-Zentrum
- [Stellenausschreibung] Wiss. Mitarbeiter*in Gender Studies RUB
- [Veranstaltung] Göttinger GeFo Lunch Talks im WiSe24/25
- [CfP] Rechtsextremismus und Rechtsterrorismus
- [Veranstaltung] „Theoretische Diskurse: Soziale Arbeit zwischen Bedürfnisorientierung und Capability Approach?!“
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