The present study aims to show the development of the women’s movement in Iran during a politically and historically significant period spanning over one hundred years, from the constitutional revolution of 1905 through world and regional wars to contemporary cyberfeminism. In this setting, the study contributes in particular a focus on the role of new media in a critical decade of the women’s movement (2003-2013) and related Green Movement of 2009. The specific objective in this historical and political context is to explore the emergence and significance of new social communication technologies and to examine their impacts on the ongoing struggle for social equality.For clarity, the four most recent decades since the 1979 revolution are summarized. During the first two decades after the 1979 revolution, women did not succeed in making their voices heard; endeavors to strengthen women’s rights were diminished, hidden or invisible. From roughly 1999 forward, during the third decade of the revolution, the Iranian women’s movement gained momentum and visibility. In the fourth decade, from 2009, worldwide extension of the internet and global innovations in communication raised high hopes for new effectiveness in the women’s movement. Simultaneously, many new communication technologies emerged that been having major impacts in economies, societies and politics around the world. In the third and fourth decades, as new communication technologies became accessible at mass scale in developing countries, these have increasingly taken part in the landscape in relation to the promotion of human rights and women’s rights.One of the key issues in the study of recent social movements is the role played by the new media and the use of virtual social networks. A study of the role of new media in the women’s movement in Iran, as well as the rise in popular protests resulting from Iran’s 2009 presidential election, is a subject that merits and needs greater scrutiny from a variety of angles. With this in mind, this study focuses on trends of new media usage by civil activists in Iran, particularly women. Moreover, it includes an analysis of the impact and consequences of the use of the new media on the women’s movement and the political movement that emerged during the 2009 presidential campaign, which became known as the Green Movement.I set the context and describe relevant social and political factors. I note that when women have been able to access, create and operate communication technologies, such as a magazines or associations, platforms have arisen and evolved where women been able to express their demands, spread their voice and achieve some success. I examine the arrival and impact of new technologies, such as the internet and new media, among women’s rights activists. I show how the women’s movement as a micro movement, through new media, was able to influence the macro movement so-called Green Movement
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