Neuerscheinung Special Issue „Representing Trans“ der Zeitschrift EJES (European Journal of English Studies); hrsg. von Anson-Koch Rein, Elahe Haschemi Yekani und Jasper J. Verlinden

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Inhaltsverzeichnis mit Links zu den Artikeln hier:

  1. Rachel Carroll: Making whiteness visible: transgender, race and the paradoxes of in/visibility in Orlando (1928), The Passion of New Eve (1977) and Sacred Country (1992)
  2. Jonathan A. Rose: „My Male Skin“: (self-)narratives of transmasculinities in fanfiction
  3. Gareth Schott: „Delicate, petite & other things I’ll never be“: trans-punk anthems and love songs
  4. Ariane de Waal & Felipe Armstrong: Trans/national necronarratives: mourning, vitality, and non-reproductivity in Una mujer fantástica
  5. Meagan E. Malone: Celebrating transness: Tangerine and the iPhone
  6. Nicole Anae: „Embracing what is rightfully ours“: representing Australian Aboriginal Brotherboy identities
  7. Van Slothouber: (De)trans visibility: moral panic in mainstream media reports on de/retransition