Liebe Mitglieder der FG Gender,
eine Kollegin, mit der ich eine Sonderausgabe des Journal of Lesbian Studies vorbereitet hatte, hat mir folgenden Aufruf mit der Bitte um Verbreitung weitergeleitet.
Mit besten Grüßen
Dr. Lüder Tietz
CVO Universität Oldenburg
I’m emailing you as a former member of the editorial board of the Journal of Lesbian Studies. Right now I’m preparing thematic issues for the year 2020, as I have found that it takes most guest editors about 18 months to go from the original idea to the final manuscripts.
I’m particularly interested in encouraging junior academics to guest edit thematic issues, as well as faculty (junior or senior) at smaller colleges. I’m also looking for potential guest editors outside the U.S. Do you have any suggestions? If so, I would send them my very detailed guest editor memo.
Two topics I’m particularly interested in right now are (1) lesbians and multiple identities and (2) families of choice. But there are many other topics that JLS has not yet covered, and I’m open to those.
Thanks for your assistance. Warm regards, Esther
Esther D. Rothblum, Ph.D.
Professor of Women’s Studies
San Diego State University
Mail Code 6030
5500 Campanile Drive
San Diego, CA 92182, USA
619-594-6662 (office)