(forwarded message by Matti Kajaste, matti.kajaste@minedu.fi – please direct any queries to him)
Research and Innovation Excellence through gender equality: New pathways and challenges
The Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture organizes a conference on 23rd – 24th October 2019 in Helsinki, Finland on gender equality in research and innovation activities. The event is part of the Finnish Presidency of the European Union and is financed by the European Commission. The venue will be Scandic Hotel Grand Marina in the centre of Helsinki. You or a representative of your organization are cordially invited to actively participate.
The aim of the conference will be to discuss and plan the next steps for advancement of gender equality in R&I and to contribute to the ongoing Horizon Europe planning process. The themes will include structural and institutional change in research and innovation, intersectionality or broader concept of equality in R&I, gender equality in digitalization and artificial intelligence and women in innovation.
The website of the conference is here:
The registration is open here:
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries.
Kindest regards,
Matti Kajaste
Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriö
Korkeakoulu- ja tiedepolitiikan sekä lukiokoulutuksen osasto, Tiedepolitiikan vastuualue
PL 29, 00023 Valtioneuvosto
050 573 1109
Ministry of Education and Culture
Department for Higher Education and Science Policy and General Upper Secondary Education
P.O. Box 29, FI-00023 Government, Finland
+358 50 573 1109