Ausschreibung von fünf neuen Stellen an dem von Prof. Sylvia Walby geleiteten Violence and Society Centre an der City, University of London
Five new posts: 2 Lecturers in Sociology, 1 in International Politics, 1 in Law and 1 Senior Lecturer in Health are being recruited by the Violence and Society Centre at City, University of London. The posts are permanent, full time and located in London. The salary range is £38,017 to £62,727.
Five outstanding academics are sought to make key contributions to the research field of ‚violence and society‘ and to the Centre’s development. During the first three years the appointed academics will contribute to the emerging research agenda of the Violence and Society Centre and be without departmental teaching commitments. Thereafter, they will assume positions in their affiliated Schools and Departments, these are the School of Arts & Social Sciences (Lectureships in Sociology and Criminology) and (Lectureship in Global Political Violence), the City Law School (Lectureship in Law) and the School of Health Sciences (Senior Lectureship in Health).
Research, rather than education, will be the primary workload of the five positions during at least the first three years. During these three years postholders will contribute to the emerging research agenda of the Violence and Society Centre under the leadership of the Centre Director, Professor Sylvia Walby. Their research activities will be agreed with the Centre Director. Thereafter, the postholders will assume a positon in their relevant Department or School, while maintaining the central focus on work in the field of Violence and Society, developing either a more conventional balance between research and education or developing a research profile supported by external funds.
Application closes on 24th October 2019. For further details see
Violence and Society Centre
City, University of London
Northampton Square
London EC1V 0HB
T: +44 (0)20 7040 3988<>