Conference Announcement: Care-Practices of Fathers in International Comparison: Do Policies Matter? at the Hochschule Landshut, Germany, January 16-18, 2020.

We are pleased to announce the International Father Research Conference „Care-Practices of Fathers in International Comparison: Do Policies Matter?“ taking place at the Hochschule Landshut (near Munich) in Germany, January 16-18, 2020.

Scholars from a variety of European countries (including the U.K., Iceland, Lithuania, Sweden, Spain and Hungary), China and the U.S. will present recent research findings. The thematic focus is on the tensions among paternal everyday practices and gender-based welfare state structures in the context of diverse family forms, critical life events and legal requirements. The keynote speaker is Prof. Dr. Barbara Hobson from Stockholm University.

A special goal of the DFG sponsored conference is also the establishment of an international research network and the establishment of transnational cooperation. This will be facilitated by the exchange of ideas in reflection groups (small breakout sessions for researchers with similar research interests) after each session. The last day is dedicated to providing opportunities for networking and collaboration.

For questions, please contact the organizers at: The detailed conference program as well as a flyer with further information will be mailed out by the end of the summer. The Save-the-Date flyer as well as the Call for Posters for the Poster Session on January 17, 2020 are attached. Please share this announcement widely in your networks. Thank you.


Best regards,

Prof. Dr. Marina Adler, University of Maryland, Baltimore County

Prof. Dr. Karl Lenz, TU Dresden

Kathrin Peltz, University of Applied Sciences Landshut

Dr. Tino Schlinzig, TU Dresden

Prof. Dr. Barbara Thiessen, University of Applied Sciences Landshut

Dr. Claudia Zerle-Elsäßer, German Youth Institute (DJI)


Organizing Committee

International Conference: Care-Practices of Fathers in International Comparison: Do Policies Matter?

January 16-18, 2020

University of Applied Sciences Landshut

Am Lurzenhof 1, 84036 Landshut

Tel. +49 (0)871 – 506 414