Under the European Asylum Rainbow: Intersectional Queer Challenges

When: 4th July 2019, 9:30-17.30

Where: Goethe University Frankfurt/Germany, Festsaal (Casino)

Registration (free!): https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/under-the-european-asylum-rainbow-intersectional-queer-challenges-tickets-57614104337

For more information and contact: n.held@sussex.ac.uk (Nina Held)

This conference aims to bring together LGBTQI+ refugees and people seeking asylum, NGO workers, activists, decision- and policy-makers, lawyers, researchers, students and other interested parties to discuss the current situation of LGBTQI+ refugees in Germany and across Europe, and to stimulate the exchange of knowledge and experience. Taking a comparative, queer and intersectional perspective, the conference will explore what the current needs and challenges are for LGBTQ+ refugees (and support groups), what we can learn from ‘good’ and ‘bad’ practice and what political changes need to be made. The conference will have an interactive format, consisting of individual presentations, podium discussions and moderated theme tables.

The conference is organized by SOGICA (University of Sussex) in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Uta Ruppert and the Cornelia Goethe Center for Women and Gender Studies at the Goethe University Frankfurt, and in collaboration with Rainbow Refugees Frankfurt, Hessischer Flüchtlingsrat, LeTRa München, Kölner Flüchtlingsrat and the UK Lesbian and Gay Immigration Group.

Registration for the event is free and some travel bursaries are available for LGBTQI+ refugees and people seeking asylum (for travel within Germany).

We hope to see you in Frankfurt!


Cornelia Goethe Centrum fuer Frauenstudien

und die Erforschung der Geschlechterverhaeltnisse

Goethe-Universitaet Frankfurt |  Campus Westend | PEG 4

Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 6   |  D-60629 Frankfurt am Main

Telefon +49 (69) 798 35100  |  E-Mail: cgcentrum@soz.uni-frankfurt.de

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